Sunday, September 23, 2012

What's in the box? Week 1

So all CSAs are set up a little bit differently, but the basic principles are always the same.  At the core, they're about a community coming together to support a local, small-scale farmer and share the benefits, as well as the risks.  As a member of a CSA, you get a weekly "share" of vegetables that consists of whatever the farmer harvested that week, so not only are you getting ultra-fresh, delicious veggies, but you get to experience what it means to eat seasonally.
Now let's talk distribution.  Some CSAs pre-portion out all the shares and drop off the boxes at a central location where all members come and pick up their box.  Others, like the one I'm interning for at the Prince George, have members portion out their own shares themselves.  And not that it really matters, but I think this way of distribution is particularly cool, it's a little bit more interaction that members get to have with their CSA and other members.  And you're still getting a grocery-store-esque shopping experience.  Win-win.
So here's what I got my first week as CSA intern:

Beautiful, right?  No filter, no editing, taken right off my phone.  And this is just a sampling - most of it didn't fit in the bowl.
Week 1 included:
Swiss Chard
Dandelion Greens
Mini Bell Peppers
Green Beans

More to come about what I did with all this stuff!

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